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moment;' they see things 'with the
A Guide to Mediumship 57
mind's eye;' they are conscious of being impelled even compelled to do
or say things which apparently bear no relation to what has gone before,
an I for which, if challenged, they cannot give any satisfactory reason.
They simply 'bad to do it.'
It is a common experience for a sensitive, in the early days of his
development, to be influenced by foreign spirits and to find himself more
or less consciously uttering sounds which, for aught he knows, may be the
merest gibberish. There are several reasons for this. One of the most
frequent causes will be found in the fear of the medium that he may in any
way be a party to deception or even deceive himself. Owing to this feeling
he resists all the attempts of the spirit to compel him to speak, lest it
should be the result of the operations of his own mind in some unknown
and inexplicable fashion, and thus, while he desires development, he
renders the efforts of the spirits nugatory by his nervousness. It is,
moreover, generally affirmed that Indians are natural Spiritualists, and are,
therefore, experienced in such matters. When they reach the other side
they are able to exert a more powerful influence upon mediums than the
spirit friends and relations of the sitters can do, because they lived a more
physically natural life, with fewer strains and drains upon their psychic
and vital forces than Europeans are compelled to endure, and are therefore
more magnetically positive. Then, too, they have less to unlearn, and are
more observant and apt in adjusting themselves to their new environments.
Not only so, but a sensitive when under their influence is not able to
understand what is being spoken by and through his lips, and does not
grow nervous and antagonistic as he would do if English words were being
uttered; consequently, be feels that he is not speaking of himself, and
allows the influence to proceed generally with a curious feeling of
detachment from himself which awakens a desire to see what will be the
58 A Guide to Mediumship
Many Indian spirits become true and faithful friends. They act as
protectors 'doorkeepers,' so to speak to their mediums. They do the
hard work of development in the circle, and prevent the intrusion of
undesirable spirits. Sometimes they are boisterous and exuberant in their
operations and manifestations, and, while we do not share the prejudices
which are, expressed against them, we think it is wise to exercise a
restraining influence over their demonstrations. They generally possess
strong healing power, and frequently put their mediums through a course
of callisthenic exercises which, although beneficial to the health of the
medium and, in the presence of a few friends, may pass without adverse
comment, would probably cause criticism if performed in a public
assembly. Personally, we are deeply indebted to spirits of this class, who
have been trustworthy helpers and kindly counselors, and we gratefully
make this acknowledgment as a matter of justice and right.
An impersonating medium is one who is so thoroughly controlled by a
spirit as to accurately represent and display the characteristics and
peculiarities of that spirit. The test medium when entranced, whether in
the deep unconscious condition or in the semi-trance state, will often
reproduce the symptoms of the illness, and enact the scene of the last few
moments prior to the release of the spirit from the mortal form. Such
impersonations are generally so exact and striking, and are so often
accompanied by ejaculations which call to mind the last earthly utterances
of the spirit who is seeking to manifest, that they are of a most convincing
and consoling character. It is, however, unwise for sitters to stipulate that
certain 'tests' must be given to them before they will believe; because the
anxiety and the strong desire which they experience, when visiting
mediums, frequently disturb the delicate psychic and mental conditions,
and so prevent success. If, however, the particular test, should, be given
by the,
A Guide to Mediumship 59
medium it might then he open to the objection that it was a case of
'telepathy.' The best attitude is to keep an open mind, encourage the
spirits to do their best on your behalf, and judge the results on their
inherent merits.
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