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3rd Honorable Mention 2nd Honorable Mention
Helpmate in 3 moves Helpmate in 3 moves
b. d5t to e6 b. From mating position: l to c5
126. a. 1. tb5 bd4 2. lc4 he3 m. b. 1. tc4 re5+ 2. ld4 he2 m.
c. 1. jxf6 paxb4 2. jxe4 pc4 m.
127. a. 1. - hb5 2. nf4 hc3+ 3. le5 hg4 m.
b. 1. - hf3 2. nc4 hg5+ 3. ld5 hb4 m.
128. a. 1. td4 hfd5 2. jb5 hb4 3 od6 ha4 m.
b. 1. jb5 hcd5 2. td6 he7 3. od6 he6 m. 69
129. a. 1. jf5 hde5 2. td6 hf7 3. nd7 hd8 m.
b. 1. nb5 hf7 2. tc6 h7e5 3. jd6 hd7 m.
130. Attila Benedek 131. Attila Benedek
Problem-Echo, 1996 Suomen Tehtäväniekat, 1995
4th Honorable Mention
Helpmate in 3 moves Helpmate in 3 moves
2 solutions 3 solutions
132. Attila Benedek 133. Attila Benedek
StrateGems, Problem Paradise, 2002
Helpmate in 3 moves Helpmate in 3 moves
b. l to f4 b. f8h to g8
130. I. 1. lb3 rh1 2. la2 bd4 3. wb3 ra1 m.
II. 1. ld5 bd4 2. le6 rf2 3. wd5 rf6 m.
131. I. 1. txg6 be1 2. td6 bxc3 3. td5 rc6 m.
II. 1. ta4 rh1 2. txf4 rb1 3. tc4 rb5 m.
III. 1. nxf4 rh4 2. nc7 rd4 3. nb6 bd6 m. 70
132. a. 1. ld4 bxe2 2. je4 rxa5 3. jdc3 hc2 m.
b. 1. le5 bd3 2. jf4 ra6 3. jcd5 hf3 m.
133. a. 1. nd6 hc3 2. td5 he2+ 3. le5 hd7 m.
b. 1. te3 he7 2. nxd3+ he6+ 3. le4 hc3 m.
134. Attila Benedek 135. Attila Benedek
Schach, 2004 Tipográfia tourney, 1969
1st Honorable Mention
Helpmate in 3 moves Helpmate in 4 moves
b. c6h to c5
136. Attila Benedek 137. Attila Benedek
Feladványk. Lapja, 1970 Magyar Sakkszöv. tourney, 1979
4th Honorable Mention
Helpmate in 4 moves Helpmate in 4 moves
b. k to h6 b. a1h to b1
134. a. 1. le6 ph4 2. lf5 phxg5 3. ne6 he7 m.
b. 1. td5 pexf3 2. le5 pf4+ 3. ld4 he6 m. 71
135. 1. od1w hd4 2. wa1 hf5 3. wh8 hd7 4. ng8 hf8 m.
136. a. 1. td7 ka4 2. lc4 pf7 3. td3 pf8q 4. nd5 qb4 m.
b. 1. td7 kg6 2. ne6 pf7 3. ld6 kg7 4. le7 pf8q m.
137. a. 1. nd7 hc2 2. td5 he3 3. ne5 kb6 4. te6 hf5 m.
b. 1. ld5+ kb5 2. td6 hd2 3. ne6 he4 4. te5 hf6 m.
138. Attila Benedek 139. Attila Benedek
UMENIA 64, 2002 Uralskii Pr., 2004
Helpmate in 4 moves Helpmate in 4 moves
140. Attila Benedek 141. Attila Benedek
Die Schwalbe, 1994 Földeák Mem. Ty. 2003
3rd Hon. Mention
Helpmate in 2/3/4 moves Helpmate in 5 moves
a. h#2 b. h on d7, h#3 c. -d7h, h#4 b. c6n to g6
138. 1. wf7 ka1 2. ne7 bb1 3. lf6 bh6 4. je6 hd7 m.
139. 1. ne4 hd1+ 2. ld5 be5 3. wc5 bf4 4. jed4 he3 m.
140. a. 1.jc6+ pd4 2.tc4 rb7 m. b. 1.nd6 hb6 2.nc5 hc8 3.tb6 hxa7 m. 72
c. 1. td6 pexd6 2. nc7 pdxc7 3. tc4 pc8q 4. tc5 qb7 m.
141. a. 1. of5 he4 2. jf6 hg5 3. ne4 hxh7 4. te6 hf8 5. t1d6 hg6 m.
b. 1. ne4 he8 2. of5 hf6 3. te6 hxh7 4. jf6 hf8 5. t1d6 hg6 m.
142. Attila Benedek 143. Attila Benedek
Schach-Echo, 1979 Probleemblad, 1996
Serieshelpmate in 4 moves Serieshelpmate in 4 moves
2 solutions 3 solutions
144. Attila Benedek 145. Attila Benedek
Tipográfia theme tourney, 1971 Probleemblad, 2000
Serieshelpmate in 5 moves Serieshelpmate in 5 moves
2 solutions
b. l to b3
142. I. 1. te4 2. jd4 3. j3e2 4. tf4 qe8 m. 73
II. 1. t5d4 2. je4 3. j2c3 4. td5 qh8 m.
143. I. 1. lxd5 2. oc1j 3. jxd3 4. je5 hc3 m.
II. 1. le5 2. oc1t 3. tc6 4. td6 rh5 m.
III. 1. lf5 2. oc1n 3. nb2 4. ne5 bd7 m.
144. a. 1. tb6 2. lb7 3. wb8 4. tc7 5. nc6 hd6 m.
b. 1. lxa2 2. ta3 3. wa1 4. tb2 5. nb3 hc3 m.
145. I. 1. we2 2. of2 3. ng2 4. lf3 5. je3 he5 m.
II. 1. wd2 2. wd5 3. ld4 4. te3 5. jd3 hb3 m.
146. Attila Benedek 147. Attila Benedek
feenschach, 1972 Vizügyi SC tourney, 1978
3rd Honorable Mention
Serieshelpmate in 6 moves Serieshelpmate in 6 moves
b. Serieshelpstalemate in 6 moves
b. c3t to d4
148. Attila Benedek 149. Attila Benedek
feenschach, 1980 UMENIA 64, 2000
Serieshelpmate in 8 moves Serieshelpmate in 7 moves
b. h6t to e6 b. a6h to a2 74
146. a. 1. jc3 2. jxd5 3. jb4 4. txb5 5. lxa6 6. la5 rxa3 m.
b. 1. th8 2. ta8 3. lb8 4. na7 5. jb6 6. jxb5+ rxb5 stm..
147. a. 1. le2 2. ld2 3. ne2 4. td3 5. te1 6. nc3 hdc4 m.
b. 1. lf4 2. le5 3. tf4 4. nd4 5. ne6 6. td5 hc4 m.
148. a. 1. jf42. lc4 3. ld5 4. jg6 5. ne7 6. ld6 7. je5 8. te6 rd4 m.
b. 1. jf5 2. jd4 3. lc4 4. ld5 5. jc6 6. ne7 7. ld6 8. je5 rd4 m.
149. a. 1. le8 2. td7 3. ld8 4. lc8 5. lb7 6. lb6 7. tb7 rd6 m.
b. 1. lf6 2. te7 3. te5 4. lf5 5. le4 6. tf5 7. tf4 hc3 m.
150. Attila Benedek 150. Attila Benedek
Tipográfia theme tourney, 1971 feenschach, 1972
1st Honorable Mention
Serieshelpmate in 10 moves Serieshelpmate in 19 moves*
b. e4b to b3 c. e4b to e6
152. Attila Benedek 153. Attila Benedek
FeladványkedvelQk Lapja, 1970 StrateGems, 2003
Serieshelpmate in 35 moves Serieshelpstalemate in 10 moves
150. a. 1. lc4 2. oexf6 6. ofxe2 7. oe1n 8. nb4 9. nxc5 10. nd4 bd3 m.
b. 1. ld4 2. oexf6 6. ofxe2 7. oe1j 8. jd3 9. jxc5 10. je4 rd5 m.
c. 1. le4 2. oexf6 6. ofxe2 7. oe1Bt 8. td1 9. td5 10. te5 rb4 m.
151. Set-play: 1. - qa5/ra3/rb2 m.
1. oaxb6! 2. ob5 3. ob4 4. obxc3 5. ocxd2 6. od1n 7. nf3 8. nxc6
9. nd5 10. oc5 11. oc4 12. ocxb3 13. ob2 14. obxa1n 15. lb2
16. na2 17. nb1 18. la2 19. nb2 bc4 m.
152. 1. lxa6 2. lb7 7. lxg8 8. lf8 10. ld7 11. le6 13. lxf4 14. lf5
24. lh2 25. lxg1 26. lf1 29. lxe2 30. ld1 31. lxe2 32. ld3 33. lxc4
34. lb5 35. la4 hc3 m.
153. 1. jc3 2. wxe1 3. lg3 4. th2 5. wh1 6. tg1 7. nb5 8. nf1 9. je2
10. lxg2 bh4 stm. (Up to move 10, every Black piece is able to move!)
Christmas, celebrated each year under the lights of the guiding stars and amid the glow
of candles, provides chess-problem composers with an opportunity to greet their friends with
a ceremonial composition.
Like many others, I like to practise this pleasant old custom. Since the very beginning
of my chess-problem composing activities, I have produced such problems and sent them to
my friends. Of course, these compositions are not designed with a view to competitions: they
are not over-demanding, and at times may be simple practice-pieces, but they do serve to
remind us all of our universal friendship, and of the idea of "gens una sumus".
On reaching the age of 75 (in 1996), I compiled 34 of my Christmas-card chess
problems and published them in a rather modest form. I am continuing to add to these
products from the period 1963-1995, and I should like to publish the more recent ones here.
May I offer this collection to all my many friends, lovers of the art of chess.
Attila Benedek Attila Benedek
Christmas card 1996 Christmas card 1997
Helpmate in 2 moves Helpmate in 3 moves
b. a1 = a8 2 solutions
1996. a. 1. je5 hf5 2. jd5 hd8 m.
b. 1. og4 pd4 2. og5 pe3 m.
1997. I. 1. oe1n bxb5 2. of1j bc6 3. je3 hf3 m.
II. 1. oe1j bxg2 2. of1n hc4 3. nd3 pc3 m.
(This is the first presentation of interchanging minor promotions in a twinning form.)
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