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each other. And if the Jewel is connected to the Logrus too, then Dad's
playing with it may have brought him under the King Uthor's scrutiny."
I nodded. It sounded like a plausible explanation.
"And howdid you find us?" I asked.
"You're not hard to track. If one knows how."
"What do you mean?"
"I used your Trump."
I frowned. "I didn't sense anything& "
"There are other ways to use them. I've been around you more than anyone
lately, we're blood relatives, and I drew the Trump, so perhaps I'm more
attuned to you than most. By concentrating very lightly on your card, I can
tell where you are& sometimes even look out through your eyes."
I shivered, not liking the sound of that. I'd have to practice keeping my
mental defenses up. And it might mean using the Pattern to shield myself from
any Logrus-spying.
"So& you're saying you looked through my eyes and drew a Trump of this
"That's right." He pulled it out and showed me.
I took it and threw it into the fire.
"Hey!" he said.
"This is a special place for Dad and me. We used to go camping here when I
was a boy. Dad won't be happy that you're here. And he'll be furious if he
discovers you made a Trump to get here."
"Then we won't tell him." He shrugged.
"I'm not going to lie," I said.
He sighed. "Well, tell him whatever you want. I don't care." He rose and,
using the Logrus, summoned a couple of blankets for himself, which he spread
out on the ground next to mine.
I heard a crashing noise, as someone came through the forest towards our
"Is that Dad?" Aber asked me.
A moment later Dworkin emerged from the bushes. When he spotted Aber and me
sitting up by the fire, he frowned. He must have imagined he could quietly
slip back into camp unnoticed.
"Hi, Dad," Aber said.
"What are you doing here?" he asked. "Why aren't you home?"
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"It got a little unpleasant there, what with the searches and all the
torturing King Uthor has ordered."
"Where have you been?" I asked Dad.
"Oh, here and there. Many people to see, many things to do."
"I saw you with her," I said to our father. "Tell me the truth."
"Answers will come in time. You are not ready for them."
"You're wrong."
Dworkin shrugged. "I have been wrong before."
"I need those answers!" I snapped. "I'm not a child anymore, and this isn't a
game! All our lives are in danger! You say you need my help. Well, I'm not
going another step with you until I get answers. And it better be the truth
this time."
"Would I lie to you?" he asked.
"Yes!" He had lied to me constantly since he had swept back into my life.
He sighed. "Very well. Ask your questions, my boy. I will answer as best I
can. I owe you that. I owe youboth that."
For a second, I could not believe he'd finally given in. I almost expected to
look around and see King Uthor's hell-creatures bearing down on us from all
sides, Fate seemed so determined to keep me in ignorance. But it reallywas
just the three of us here, sitting before the campfire, on a remote world far
from home.
I licked my lips. "All right. Was that a unicorn I saw?"
"That was no unicorn," Dworkin said. "That was your mother."
"My mother?" I felt my heart skip. Suddenly, everything began to make sense.
My life in Ilerium it had all been a lie. He had brought me there to keep me
out of harm's way. The woman who had raised me as her own& she must have been
paid. That's why Dworkin had taken care of her all those years. My
mother myreal mother had to be a shape-shifter& some lady of Chaos. But why
not tell me the truth?
He let out his breath with an explosive sigh.
"Yes& I brought you here several times, long ago, so she could see you. You
are her child& heir to all she represents."
"The Pattern& " I whispered.
"Yes," my father said simply.
Suddenly it all came clear. My mother couldn't be a lady of Chaos. She had to
come from somewhere else& and she must incorporate the Pattern into her being
the way the people of Chaos incorporated the Logrus. That explained all Dad's
secrecy. If anyone had known about me, about my true heritage, I probably
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would have been assassinated years ago. He had kept my true mother a secret to
protect me.
"Where is she from?" I asked.
"I am not really sure," he said. "She found me, here, in this place." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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